Specific focus: BRICS+, ASEAN plus x, MERCOSUR, CARICOM, AU, The Arab League, NAFTA-USMCA, EU, UK and the Commonwealth… Indeed, the world has gone from unipolar (right after WW2) to bi polar shortly after to a multipolar world. There is ongoing cooperation, […]
Interaction with BARD AI 1) We are in 2024 and there are important AI developments that I wish to review and I did my homework in prompt engineering and so I have questions to ask you. 2) OPEN AI are now selling AI […]
International Institute for Strategic Research and Training https://internationalinstituteforstrategicresearch.info/ Research paper for e-Leader Prague 2023 Blockchain: exploring what it is, growing applications including relationship to Web 3 (a survey research) by Frank Owarish, Ph.D., Computer Science; CEO, IISRT; former Director […]
Title: Primary and Secondary Education in the COVID 19 era: how teachers can maximize the use of instructional technologies Authors Frank Owarish, Ph.D., Computer Science; Anup Sharma, MS Instructional Technologies Introduction This paper looks at how to provide education in the […]
International Institute for Strategic Research and Training http://internationalinstituteforstrategicresearch.info/ BAASANA http://baasana.org/ What kind of world is shaping up? by Frank Owarish, Ph.D., MIEEE, Member of the Royal Economic Society, former Director of Training, UNITAR; WAFUNIF award outstanding Senior Executive, United […]
This is a great initiative of the UN Secretary General; this paper presents the changes necessary and also the fact that indeed they are good for the economy and so it is a win win to take the suggested actions at […]
Link to the video on Higher education in the 21st Century: Maximizing the use of instructional technologies Higher Education… self-evaluation form I was fortunate as a Research Fellow of IUC to spend time at several UK Universities including the University of […]
Major transformation of the world is underway: the essence of the green revolution by Frank Owarish, Ph.D., CEO, International Institute for Strategic Research and Training (IISRT) Introduction This study takes stock of the efforts being made to turn the earth […]
https://www.g-casa.com/conferences/shanghai/paper_pdf/Owarish-climate.pdf https://www.g-casa.com/conferences/singapore16/pdf_ppt/Owarish-Climate%20Change.pdf
https://www.g-casa.com/conferences/shanghai/paper_pdf/Owarish-US%20China.pdf US-China relation: cooperation, competition, conflict https://www.g-casa.com/conferences/shanghai/paper_pdf/Owarish-US%20China.pdf https://www.academia.edu/10075014/US_China_Relations_-_a_detailed_analysis https://www.academia.edu/10071025/US_China_Relations https://www.cfr.org/timeline/us-relations-china Russia is an important player on the world stage: a look at the facts Russia has been and is an enigma; it may not be an economic super power but it […]