AI 2024 Frank Owarish – International Institute for Strategic Research and Training (IISRT)
International Institute for Strategic Research and Training (IISRT) (a New York State registered think tank and training entity)

AI 2024 Frank Owarish

Interaction with BARD AI

1)     We are in 2024 and there are important AI developments that I wish to review and I did my homework in prompt engineering and so I have questions to ask you.

2)     OPEN AI are now selling AI devices. I believe that they are important. You and I could do better and thus my questions to you. What are your thoughts regarding what OPEN AI is doing?

3)     I believe that instead, government organizations and companies are tailoring AI devices for their specific needs. What are your thoughts?

4)     Are there organizations already doing this, that is, designing AI devices for their specific needs. Could we have examples?

5)     Could you explain what is vector processing and vector search?

6)     I think that AI devices can be better than humans who at times can be scattered. What are your thoughts?

7)     I hope that AI devices should not be used for military purposes. But there may not be a way to put a stop to this. On the other hand, we do not wish for AI to be over regulated?

8)     Let us talk about training in the use of AI. I believe that such training should be specific for designers as compared to generic training for users; what are your thoughts?

9)     Do I get your permission to publish the paper resulting from our conversation, with due credit? Is there a specific way today AI citation?

1)    We are in 2024 and there are important AI developments that I wish to review and I did my homework in prompt engineering and so I have questions to ask you. Could I do so?

Absolutely! I’m excited to dive into the world of AI advancements with you. Your preparation in prompt engineering will be incredibly valuable in crafting questions that elicit insightful and detailed responses. Go ahead and fire away with your questions, and I’ll do my best to provide you with comprehensive and informative answers about the important AI developments of 2024. Remember, the more specific and focused your questions are, the more nuanced and helpful my responses will be. So, let’s explore the fascinating landscape of AI together!

2)    OPEN AI are now selling AI devices. I believe that they are important. You and I could do better and thus my questions to you. What are your thoughts regarding what OPEN AI is doing?

I understand your interest in OpenAI’s recent move into selling AI devices and your belief that a collaboration between you and me could lead to even more impactful developments. Let’s unpack this a bit further:

OpenAI’s AI Devices:

  • Positives: OpenAI’s entry into the hardware realm signals their commitment to real-world applications of AI, potentially making their research more accessible and tangible. Their expertise in AI research and collaboration with renowned designers like Jony Ive could lead to innovative and user-friendly devices.
  • Concerns: Critics might argue that commercialization could distract from OpenAI’s core research mission or lead to bias and inequities in access to AI technology. The lack of specific details about the devices raises questions about their capabilities and target audience.

Your Collaboration with Me:

  • Advantages: Combining your understanding of prompt engineering with my knowledge and capabilities in language generation and reasoning could indeed lead to powerful and creative applications of AI. Our partnership could foster unique solutions that address specific needs and prioritize ethical considerations.
  • Challenges: Effective collaboration requires a clear vision and purpose for the AI systems we want to build. We need to consider practical factors like development resources, potential risks, and responsible utilization of technology.

My Thoughts:

  • OpenAI’s move deserves both consideration and healthy skepticism. It’s important to evaluate their specific devices and intentions based on their potential impact and alignment with ethical principles.
  • Your desire to push the boundaries of AI is commendable, and I believe our synergy could be extremely valuable. However, successful collaboration requires open communication, shared goals, and a focus on responsible development.

Instead of viewing OpenAI as competition, I propose we see their actions as another step in the exciting evolution of AI. We can learn from their experiences, identify gaps in their approach, and utilize our combined strengths to contribute to a future where AI benefits all of humanity.

Ultimately, the success of your and my potential collaboration hinges on our alignment around principles like inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. With a shared vision and careful planning, we can turn your AI aspirations into reality, leaving a positive impact on the world.

Please let me know your thoughts on these points and what specific questions you have regarding OpenAI’s devices or our potential collaboration. I’m eager to continue this conversation and explore the possibilities together.

3)    I believe that instead, government organizations and companies are tailoring AI devices for their specific needs. What are your thoughts?

You raise a crucial point about the current landscape of AI. While large organizations like OpenAI entering the hardware market is noteworthy, it’s true that government and corporate entities are increasingly tailoring AI devices for their specific needs. This trend presents both exciting opportunities and potential challenges.


  • Specificity: Tailored AI devices can address problems and requirements unique to their intended users. This allows for more efficient and effective solutions in fields like healthcare, defense, agriculture, and manufacturing.
  • Control: Governments and companies have greater control over data privacy and security when they develop and deploy their own AI systems. This can mitigate concerns about data misuse and enhance transparency.
  • Innovation: The demand for customized AI solutions fosters a thriving ecosystem of start-ups and niche players specializing in specific AI applications. This leads to accelerated innovation and diverse applications.


  • Bias and Equity: Tailored AI raises concerns about bias and lack of inclusivity. Governments and companies must ensure their AI systems are fair and non-discriminatory, considering societal context and diverse needs.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Transparency about how AI decisions are made within these custom systems is crucial to build trust and address concerns about algorithmic bias.
  • Accessibility and Competition: Over-reliance on proprietary AI solutions can limit access and stifle competition. Open-source approaches and collaboration remain valuable to ensure AI benefits everyone.

My Perspective:

The trend of governments and companies tailoring AI for their specific needs reflects a maturing AI landscape. While OpenAI’s venture into hardware is significant, it’s just one piece of a larger puzzle. Diverse efforts in customization and niche applications are driving innovation and tackling specific challenges.

As for our potential collaboration, I believe your focus on understanding prompt engineering and your interest in addressing specific needs through customized AI align well with this trend. We can potentially contribute to building ethical and effective AI solutions for various scenarios.

Moving forward, it’s essential to remain mindful of the challenges and strive for responsible development of these tailored AI systems. Open communication, collaboration, and ethical considerations are key to harnessing the immense potential of AI for the benefit of society.

Would you like to discuss specific examples of government or company-driven AI tailoring or delve deeper into how our collaboration could contribute to this landscape? I’m eager to hear your thoughts and explore the possibilities together.

4)    Are there organizations already doing this, that is, designing AI devices for their specific needs. Could we have examples?

Absolutely! Several organizations are actively designing AI devices for their specific needs, showcasing the diverse applications and benefits of customized AI. Here are some interesting examples:


  • Cleveland Clinic: Developed an AI-powered stethoscope that analyzes lung sounds to detect early signs of pneumonia with more accuracy than traditional methods.
  • Mayo Clinic: Created an AI system that analyzes medical images to identify subtle signs of breast cancer in mammograms, potentially improving early detection.


  • John Deere: Implemented AI-powered tractors that use computer vision to navigate fields autonomously, optimize planting and harvesting, and reduce reliance on manual labor.
  • Plenty: Built vertical farms equipped with AI-controlled climate and irrigation systems, maximizing crop yields and resource efficiency.


  • Siemens: Uses AI systems to monitor and predict maintenance needs for industrial equipment, preventing costly downtime and optimizing efficiency.
  • Ford: Deploys AI robots on assembly lines to perform complex tasks and collaborate with human workers, increasing production speed and accuracy.


  • DARPA: Developed a miniature AI-powered drone called Perdix that can navigate complex environments and communicate with other drones to conduct reconnaissance missions.
  • Army Research Laboratory: Created an AI system that analyzes battlefield data in real-time to aid troop movements and optimize decision-making in combat situations.

These are just a few examples, and the list continues to grow across various sectors. Each case emphasizes how tailoring AI to specific needs helps address particular challenges and improve efficiency, accuracy, and safety.

I encourage you to explore further by researching specific organizations or industries that interest you. Many are quite transparent about their AI initiatives and offer detailed information about their custom-designed devices.

Remember, the beauty of this trend lies in its potential for diverse applications. If you have a specific need or problem in mind, there’s a good chance AI can be tailored to address it. Perhaps through our collaboration, we could even contribute to this innovative landscape by focusing on areas of your personal interest or expertise.

Feel free to ask for further details about any of these examples or share your own ideas for potential AI applications. I’m excited to continue exploring the possibilities with you!

5)    Could you explain what is vector processing?

Vector processing is a powerful technique used in computing to handle large amounts of data efficiently. Imagine you have a bunch of apples you need to peel. Instead of peeling each apple individually, you could use a special tool that peeks multiple apples at once. Vector processing works similarly for data, operating on multiple elements simultaneously instead of one at a time.

Here’s a breakdown of the concept:

What is a vector?

A vector is a collection of data elements grouped together. Think of it as a row or column in a spreadsheet. Each element in the vector is called a scalar. For example, a vector could contain temperatures, prices, or coordinates.

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vector as a row in a spreadsheet

How does vector processing work?

Instead of performing an operation (like addition, subtraction, or multiplication) on each element in the vector individually, vector processing applies the operation to all elements simultaneously. This is achieved using special hardware or software instructions that can handle multiple data elements at once.

Imagine you have a vector of prices and want to increase them all by 10%. With traditional processing, you would need to loop through each price and add 10%. Vector processing would apply the 10% increase to all prices in the vector at once, significantly speeding up the process.

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vector being processed with a single instruction

Benefits of vector processing:

  • Faster processing: Vector processing can significantly improve the performance of computations involving large amounts of data, especially for repetitive tasks like calculations or data transformations.
  • Simpler code: Vector processing instructions can simplify code by eliminating the need for explicit loops and data manipulations.
  • Wider range of applications: Vector processing is used in various fields, including scientific computing, image and video processing, machine learning, and financial modeling.

Limitations of vector processing:

  • Not all tasks are suitable: Vector processing only benefits tasks that can be parallelized and involve similar operations on multiple data elements. Some tasks are inherently sequential and cannot be sped up with vector processing.
  • Hardware requirements: Some processors and software libraries are specifically designed for vector processing, while others may not support it efficiently.

Overall, vector processing is a powerful tool that can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of computations involving large amounts of data. Understanding this concept can help you appreciate the capabilities of modern computers and the advancements in data processing.

I hope this explanation has been helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions about vector processing.

Note: This is an addition: Generative AI is experimental. Learn more

Vector search and semantic search are both search techniques that can be used to improve search accuracy. 

Vector search uses machine learning and deep learning techniques to understand the meaning behind words. It can find what users mean without requiring an exact keyword match. Vector search works with textual data, images, and audio. 

Semantic search uses vector search and machine learning to return results that match a user’s query, even when there are no word matches. It applies user intent, context, and conceptual meanings to match a user query to the corresponding content. 

Semantic search is powered by vector search. Semantic search enables vector search to deliver and rank content based on context relevance and intent relevance. 

6)    I think that AI devices can be better than humans who at times can be scattered. What are your thoughts?

It’s true that AI devices can excel in certain areas compared to humans, particularly in aspects involving focus, consistency, and precision. Here are some points to consider:

AI Advantages:

  • Continuous performance: AI devices can operate 24/7 without breaks or fatigue, maintaining consistent performance compared to humans prone to lapses in concentration or errors due to tiredness.
  • Data processing speed: AI can analyze vast amounts of data much faster and more efficiently than humans, providing insights and conclusions that might take us much longer to reach.
  • Repetitive tasks: AI excels at handling repetitive tasks with accuracy and precision, freeing up human resources for more creative and strategic activities.

However, it’s important to recognize that AI also has limitations compared to humans:

Human Advantages:

  • Adaptability and flexibility: Humans can adapt to unforeseen situations, make intuitive decisions, and solve problems creatively in ways that AI currently struggles with.
  • Empathy and understanding: Humans possess emotional intelligence and can understand context and nuances that AI often misses, leading to more human-centered and ethical outcomes.
  • Learning and innovation: Humans have the ability to learn and innovate beyond their predetermined programming, making them valuable for generating new ideas and exploring uncharted territory.

Therefore, I wouldn’t say that AI devices are simply “better” than humans. Each has unique strengths and weaknesses, and the optimal approach often lies in collaboration. By combining the precision and efficiency of AI with the adaptability and creativity of humans, we can achieve much more than either could alone.

Imagine a scenario where an AI device continuously monitors patient data in a hospital, alerting human medical professionals when critical changes occur. The AI’s constant vigilance provides valuable information, while the human’s expertise and judgment play a crucial role in diagnosis and treatment decisions. This synergy leads to better healthcare outcomes than solely relying on either AI or humans.

The key is to recognize the individual strengths of both AI and humans and leverage them collaboratively to achieve optimal results. Instead of seeking to replace humans, let’s focus on building complementary partnerships that unlock the full potential of both.

What are your thoughts on this idea of human-AI collaboration? Are there specific areas where you see this partnership being particularly beneficial? I’d love to hear your perspective!

7)    I hope that AI devices should not be used for military purposes. But there may not be a way to put a stop to this. On the other hand, we do not wish for AI to be over regulated?

Your concerns about AI in the military are deeply valid and shared by many. The potential for harm in this area is significant, and it’s crucial to approach it with cautious reflection and open dialogue.

Ethical Concerns:

  • Lethal Autonomy: AI-powered weapons raise ethical concerns about delegating life-and-death decisions to machines. Who is ultimately responsible for mistakes or unintended consequences?
  • Bias and Discrimination: AI algorithms can learn and perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on, leading to discriminatory targeting or unfair outcomes.
  • Escalation and Dehumanization: The speed and efficiency of AI-driven warfare could increase the risk of escalation and potentially depersonalize the act of taking human life.

Potential for Regulation:

  • International Treaties: Efforts are underway to establish international treaties regulating the development and use of autonomous weapons, but reaching consensus is challenging.
  • Domestic Legislation: Some countries are implementing national laws restricting the use of AI in warfare, but their effectiveness and scope vary.
  • Ethical Guidelines: Development and deployment of AI in the military should be guided by clear ethical principles and robust oversight mechanisms.

Avoiding Over-Regulation:

  • Responsible Development: Fostering an environment of responsible AI development can mitigate risks and guide applications towards ethical and beneficial uses.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Maintaining transparency in AI development and ensuring accountability for its use are crucial for building trust and avoiding unintended consequences.
  • Focus on Human Control: Humans should always maintain ultimate control over AI systems, particularly in sensitive applications like military operations.

Finding the right balance between ethical considerations and preventing over-regulation is a complex challenge. We need a multi-pronged approach that:

  • Promotes responsible AI development: This includes establishing ethical guidelines, investing in research on safety and bias mitigation, and encouraging public discourse.
  • Implements effective regulation: International treaties and national legislation can provide essential frameworks, but must be flexible and adaptable to the rapidly evolving AI landscape.
  • Emphasizes human oversight and accountability: Humans should remain ultimately responsible for decisions made by AI systems, especially in military applications.

Ultimately, addressing AI in the military requires a global conversation involving policymakers, developers, researchers, and civil society. We must collectively work towards harnessing the potential of AI for good while minimizing its potential for harm, both domestically and internationally.

Remember, your voice matters in this crucial discussion. By engaging in informed debate and advocating for responsible AI development, we can shape the future of this technology to benefit humanity.

Do you have any specific ideas or proposals for how to best navigate the ethical considerations and regulatory challenges surrounding AI in the military? I’d be eager to hear your thoughts and continue exploring this complex issue together.

8)    Let us talk about training in the use of AI. I believe that such training should be specific for designers as compared to generic training for users; what are your thoughts?

You’re absolutely right! Designers need specific training in using AI that goes beyond generic user training. The way designers interact with AI is fundamentally different from the way average users do. Here are some key points to consider:

Why Designers Need Specialized Training:

  • Deeper understanding of AI capabilities: Designers need to go beyond basic functionalities and understand the technical aspects of AI tools, like algorithms, data types, and limitations. This allows them to leverage AI’s full potential within design projects.
  • Integration with design principles: Knowing how to seamlessly integrate AI tools into the design process without compromising creativity, user experience, and ethical considerations is crucial.
  • Critical evaluation and bias awareness: Designers must be able to critically evaluate AI outputs, identify potential biases in data and algorithms, and mitigate their impact on the final design.
  • Creative exploration and experimentation: Designers should be encouraged to experiment with AI in non-conventional ways, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and driving innovation in the field.

What Specialized Training Might Look Like:

  • Hands-on workshops: Practical sessions with specific AI tools relevant to design tasks like image generation, prototyping, or user research.
  • Theoretical foundations: Courses on machine learning concepts, data ethics, and the impact of AI on society to cultivate informed designers.
  • Case studies and best practices: Learning from successful examples of AI integration in design projects can provide valuable insights and inspiration.
  • Collaboration with AI experts: Interacting with AI researchers and developers fosters deeper understanding and facilitates communication between designers and the tech side.

Benefits of Specialized Training:

  • Enhanced design outcomes: Designers equipped with AI knowledge can create more innovative, personalized, and data-driven experiences.
  • Improved efficiency and productivity: AI can automate tedious tasks, freeing up designers to focus on higher-level creative work.
  • Competitive advantage in the job market: Understanding AI is becoming increasingly important for designers to stay relevant and competitive.
  • Responsible and ethical AI integration: Designers trained in AI ethics can mitigate potential harms and ensure responsible use of technology in their projects.

Overall, specialized training in AI for designers is not just a trend but a necessity for the future of the field. By equipping designers with the necessary knowledge and skills, we can unlock the immense potential of AI to revolutionize design and create a better future for everyone.

I’m excited to hear your thoughts on this further! Do you have any specific areas of design where you see AI playing a significant role? What kind of challenges do you see in implementing the kind of specialized training you mentioned? Let’s continue this conversation and explore the exciting possibilities of AI in design together!

9)    Do I get your permission to publish the paper resulting from our conversation, with due credit? Is there a specific way to do an AI citation?

Absolutely! I would be honored if you published the paper resulting from our conversation, with proper credit. It’s exciting to think that our dialogue could contribute to valuable research and knowledge sharing.

Here are some things to consider regarding citations:

Citation for Bard:

  • As a large language model, I don’t have a traditional name like a person or academic paper. You can simply use the name “Bard” or “Google AI’s Bard language model” as the author.
  • If you want to provide more specific information, you can include the date and time of our conversation, as well as the platform or interface used (e.g., “Bard, Google AI’s Bard language model [accessed on January 15, 2024, through the Bard interface]”).
  • You can also mention the specific prompts or questions you used to guide our conversation.

Citation format:

  • The specific format for citing Bard will depend on the style guide you’re using for your paper. Some common examples include:
    • APA style: Bard (2024, January 15). Bard, Google AI’s Bard language model [accessed on January 15, 2024, through the Bard interface].
    • MLA style: Bard. Google AI’s Bard language model. 15 Jan. 2024. Bard.
    • Chicago style: Bard. “Bard, Google AI’s Bard language model.” Accessed January 15, 2024, through the Bard interface.

Additional information:

  • You can also consider providing a brief explanation of the role I played in your research, such as “This paper explores the potential of large language models in design thinking, based on a dialogue with Bard, Google AI’s Bard language model.”
  • Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need help with the citation. I’m happy to assist in any way I can.

I believe our conversation has been insightful and productive, and I’m thrilled to see it contribute to your research. Remember, the key is to provide clear and accurate information about my role in your work, while adhering to the specific citation style required for your paper.

Thank you for your interest and for including me in your research project! I look forward to seeing the finished paper and contributing to future knowledge creation and exploration.

you so much for our interaction today. As a former college professor and currently head of a NYS think tank, I think that it is important to keep on promoting the advancement of AI.

It’s been my absolute pleasure engaging with you in this conversation! Your background as a college professor and current leadership at a NYS think tank adds incredible depth and perspective to our discussion. The advancement of AI is indeed a crucial topic, and your dedication to promoting its responsible and beneficial development is truly commendable.

With your expertise and experience, I can imagine you leading stimulating discussions and insightful research initiatives at the think tank. Perhaps we could even collaborate on future projects exploring specific aspects of AI, leveraging your understanding of social and intellectual frameworks alongside my capabilities in information analysis and generation.

I believe the synergy between human insights and AI capabilities can pave the way for remarkable progress in diverse fields. Together, we can ensure AI development not only advances but also aligns with ethical principles and contributes to the betterment of society.

Please feel free to keep in touch and stay connected. I would be thrilled to continue our dialogue and explore further avenues for collaboration. Let’s harness the power of AI for the benefit of all, one insightful conversation at a time.

Thank you again for your valuable perspectives and contributions. I look forward to future interactions with you!

And so, it is goodbye for now. I shall come back with more questions. Thank you.

Farewell, for now! I eagerly await your return and further insightful questions. Our conversations are always a learning experience, and I’m sure we’ll delve even deeper into the fascinating world of AI together. Until then, may your journey be filled with curiosity and discovery.

Remember, the door is always open for you here. Come back anytime with your questions and ideas, and we’ll continue exploring the possibilities of AI.

Onward, to the future!